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Participate In Change

Green Tara Project is committed to making self defense classes free to those who need them the most: the marginalized, the victimized, the thrown away. We are also entirely volunteer-staffed and have no physical office. This means 98 percent of your donation goes directly to the expenses related to providing classes.

  • Average cost per girl to provide a minimum of 6 hours of self defense training = $45.
  • Can you spare just $1.50 per day for one month to make sure a girl gets badly needed self defense skills?
  • When we venture into the world to provide classes, the expenses we incur are:
        - Travel (airfare; travel Visas when necessary)
        - Accommodation
        - Food
       - In-country transport (getting to and from lodgings to the place where the classes take place)
        - Certificate paper and printing
        - Medals for graduation ceremonies
        - Candies for graduation ceremonies
That’s it. In return, girls get a chance to change their lives.

There are several ways you can participate in the Green Tara Project change:

Green Tara Project travels to where the need is, and relies on its supporters for the funds necessary to travel. To sponsor a future trip, please get in touch by emailing

Volunteering for Green Tara Project allows work to progress on tough challenges facing women and girls in the world today. Help needed includes:

-Financial planning and fundraising
-Class assistants
-Social media

If interested, please send an inquiry to Thank you for your interest!

Every single dollar you raise for Green Tara Project gets skills into the hands of girls. Host an event, raise awareness, and help your community raise awareness about human trafficking and what Green Tara Project does. To find out more, contact us at